Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am not enthused...

I know I need to finish that owl pillow. It sits on my desk and I stare at it as I stream videos on my computer from Netflix and it basically screams at me to pick it up and finish it...I know I don't really have all the much more left to do, but all the fun parts are done and now all I have left to do is sew it together to make it look like a pillow. How do you find the motivation to complete a project when all the exciting parts are done?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Everything is better when it's personalized...

When my sister was getting married she asked me to be her Maid of Honor and so I felt that anything I did had be absolutely be more original than anyone else. So much pressure! I knew that I wanted to personalize a wood serving bowl for Anne & Chuck by burning a recipe on the rim of it and so my quest began to find a wood serving bowl with a wide enough edge and a recipe small enough to fit.

I ended up finding the bowl at Crate & Barrel and found a salad & dressing recipe that would fit. I bought a wood burner and used the pointed tip to produce clear lettering and practiced on a scrap piece of wood before beginning on the bowl. Overall, it was a fairly easy craft and I think it's lovely.

I also made some paper flowers, these are a few of them.

 The 'c' in the word cranberry was the first letter I wrote and is a little wobbly.

Another close up.

I learned how to make these Kusadama flowers here.

For the flowers I used a world map since Chuck is a trained pilot and specifically I used the area around Italy since that is where Anne would like to go.

A bit late for Easter...

I suppose I should have put this up before Easter, but now you have something to think about for next year or if you just like doing little bunny projects. Last Friday our friend, Jamie, came in to work with some goodies her mom had mailed her for Easter and one of the things she got was a little candy bunny that they had made years ago and have kept around ever since. That's some serious willpower because I would have eaten the chocolate kiss immediately.

To make this you will need:
Plain white paper
Hershey's kisses
Black felt tip pen or thin Sharpie marker
Pink Crayon
Ribbon, twine, etc...for the tie
3/8" wood bead
Small white pom

Use the white paper to cut out 2 ears, color the middle with the pink crayon, fold in half to crease and then glue into the top hole of the wood bead. Use the pink crayon to create the bunny cheeks. Use the Sharpie to draw in the rest of the face. Glue the head to the Hershy's kiss. Glue the white pom to the back on the Hershey's Kiss. Use the ribbon or twine to create a bow.


Quick, easy, and super cute. I hope you had a happy Easter!