Monday, November 23, 2009


It's been a long time coming, but I finally finished the elephant square pillow/plush that I was working on. Behold!

This little guy (8"x8"x8") took me longer than I thought it would, but I also wasn't constantly working on it. In fact, there were many moments when I could have been working on it, but didn't. Then with the whole ear debacle, the project just kept dragging on and on.

So on a very laid back Saturday night I began the finishing stitches - I added the eyes and closed up the face. I like when the animals don't have mouths and as you can see this little guy doesn't have one.

Of course, none of my projects ever turn out 100% perfect, but I think these imperfections give the pieces some character. Notice the wobbly side of his face and if you saw a straight on shot of him you would notice that his ears are not quite even.

That's not too terrible, right?

What a little darling!

Also, I suppose I could have made his trunk a little larger. Oh well! Am I the only one who has project mishaps?


  1. I love how the stiching on the trunk looks!

  2. So cute! I am Meg's biggest fan and I've never even met her! ;)
